mountain bicycle 1

Cycling is a fair sport that brings joy to all people, of all ages and abilities.

Every year along the long roads in China, we often see many travelers who travel by bicycle. They come from different places, speak different languages, and have different beliefs. They ride from one end of the journey to the other, pursuing themselves’ direction. And record moving text and pictures.

In modern society, with developed transportation, planes, trains, and automobiles, it extends in all directions. Why travel by bicycle? Why go through so much suffering, why bother with the wind and the sun? Is it a test of perseverance? Is it to increase the discussion at the dinner table?

If you travel by plane, train and car, and the goal of travel is the point, then bicycle travel is the line, and bicycle travel will experience more travel fun and truly appreciate the magnificent scenery. A more detailed experience of the humanities and customs of various places.

Someone see it as an experience to experience. A mood, an attitude to life or a pursuit of life.

Like the feeling of being on the road, this is the most pristine expression of every cyclist. Ride on the empty road with no end in sight, ride freely, stop when you want, go when you want, and move towards the goal. They don’t care about the destination of the trip, what they care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to appreciate the scenery. This is a way of traveling that is completely integrated into nature, the most authentic feeling of freedom.

Although it is hard and tired, it is extremely happy and free. Love the feeling of being exiled in nature, feel the freedom of riding, record the most unforgettable experience in life, and realize the true meaning of life. Cherish the little things in your journey. At the end of the national road, between the snow-capped mountains, the sky is the bed and the ground, the vast starry sky, the desert next door, and the South China Sea are full of bikers.

Young people need to practice. You can constantly feel and understand during your cycling journey. Only by personally experiencing the hardships and pains can we truly experience happiness and joy. Hard travel experiences are the treasures of life. Every experience brings a spiritual sublimation. Know how to face difficulties calmly and overcome difficulties with strong perseverance.

Bike travel is the best way to achieve yourself. You can find speed, energy, passion, independence, collaboration, and beauty on bike tours.

Post time: Mar-08-2022