Welcome to our website! We goanna bring you a kind of kids balance bike.

Kids’ balance bike is originated from Europe, where almost every baby has its own balance bike. Parents choose the children’s balance bike mainly according to safety. 

 Balance bike  (3)


So the balance bike had better adopt metal frame structure which strong and durable. Handlebar had better can rotate 360 degrees, so when baby falls down on the bike. They will not hurt their upper limb. The seat and handlebars of balance bike can be adjusted according to baby’s height and leg length, baby can use it for a longer time.



This bike is recommended for children aged 3 to 6 and 90cm-120cm in height. In actual use, The size of toybox should be selected according to their height and leg length.



Above 3 years old, height above 90cm, leg length above 35cm: It is recommended to buy the toybox with 12 inches wheel standard tires.



Above 3 years old, height above 95cm, leg length 42cm: It is recommended to buy size of XL(extra-large) 12 inches wheels.





This bike can meet the competition standards and has an inspection certificate. We use 50% SKD package. Children and parents can assemble this bike together. This bicycle is not only a toy for children to ride, but also a way for parents and children to interact. It is a super toy for parents and children.

Post time: Dec-18-2020