Electric bikes have become the new hotspot in the commuting world due to their user convenience and eco-friendly design.People are using it as a new way of commuting and transportation for long and short distances.
But when was the first electric bike born?Who invented the electric bike and who sells it commercially?
We’ll answer these fascinating questions as we discuss the amazing nearly 130-year history of electric bicycles.So, let’s get into it without delay.
By 2023, nearly 40 million electric bicycles will be on the road.However, its beginnings were a fairly simple and insignificant event, dating back to the 1880s, when Europe was crazy about bicycles and tricycles.
was the first to build an electric bicycle in 1881.He installed an electric motor on a British tricycle, becoming the world’s first electric tricycle manufacturer.He had some success on the roads of Paris on an electric tricycle, but failed to get a patent.
further refined the idea of ​ by adding batteries to the tricycle and its associated motor.The entire tricycle setup with the motor and battery weighed about 300 pounds, which was considered impractical.Astonishingly, this three-wheeler managed 50 miles at an average speed of 12 mph, which is impressive by any standards.
The next big leap in electric bicycles came in 1895, when patented a rear hub motor with a direct drive mechanism.In fact, it’s still the most ubiquitous motor used in e-bikes.He used a brushed motor that really paved the way for the modern electric bike.
introduced the planetary gear hub motor in 1896, further improving the design of electric bicycles.Plus, it accelerated the e-bike for a few miles.Over the next few years, e-bikes underwent rigorous experimentation, and we saw the introduction of mid-drive and friction-drive motors.However, the rear hub motor has become the mainstream engine for e-bikes.
The next few decades were somewhat bleak for e-bikes.In particular, World War II halted the development of e-bikes due to continued unrest and the advent of the automobile.However, electric bicycles really got a new lease of life in the 19030s when and  teamed up to manufacture electric bicycles for commercial use.
They made a splash in 1932 when they marketed their electric bike.Next, manufacturers such as  entered the electric bicycle market in 1975 and 1989 respectively.
However, these companies still use nickel-cadmium and lead-acid batteries, severely limiting the speed and range of e-bikes.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the invention of the lithium-ion battery paved the way for the modern electric bicycle.Manufacturers can significantly reduce the weight of e-bikes while increasing their range, speed and performance with lithium-ion batteries.It also allows riders to recharge their batteries at home, making e-bikes more popular.What’s more, lithium-ion batteries make e-bikes lightweight and perfect for commuting.
Electric bicycles made their biggest strides in 1989 with the introduction of the electric bicycle by .Later, it became known as a “pedal-assisted” electric bike.This mechanism allows the e-bike motor to start when the rider pedals the bike.Thus, it frees the e-bike motor from any throttle and makes the design more convenient and user-friendly.
In 1992, pedal-assist electric bicycles began to be sold commercially.It has also become a safe choice for e-bikes and is now a mainstream design for nearly all e-bikes.
In the early 2000s and early 2010s, advances in electrical and electronic technology meant that e-bike manufacturers could use a variety of microelectronics in their bikes.They introduced gas and pedal assist controls on the handlebars.They also include a display with an e-bike that lets people monitor mileage, speed, battery life, and more for a safer and better driving experience.
In addition, the manufacturer has integrated a smartphone app to monitor the e-bike remotely.Therefore, the bike is protected against theft.Furthermore, the use of different sensors improves the performance and functionality of the electric bike.
The history of electric bikes is truly amazing.In fact, e-bikes were the first vehicles to run on batteries and travel on the road without labor, even before cars.Today, this advancement means that e-bikes have become the main choice for ecological protection by reducing gas and noise.Also, e-bikes are safe and easy to ride and have become the most popular commuting method in different countries due to their amazing advantages.

Post time: Feb-16-2022